Violation of Traffic Law
Red Arrow Car failed to give way to
allow the Green arrow Ute car, and all
cars on his right to pass the round
about first until it was clear and safe
for him to use the round about to
turn right. This is a violation of traffic
Red arrow car also failed to turn on
his right hand indicator light to sig-
nal/show his intention to turn right at
the round about. This is another vio-
lation of traffic law.
Therefore Red arrow car committed
2 violations of traffic law and awaiting
for a car accident to happen.
Blue Arrow car failed to wait for the
on-coming cars ahead of him to be
cleared and safe for him to turn right.
This is also a violation of traffic law.
This Uber driver (white arrow) waits
for all cars on his right to pass until it
is safe for him to turn right at the
round about. This is good and safe
driving practice attitude.
A car accident would be prevented
if this red arrow car did not violated 2
traffic laws.
- Failure to give way to all on-com-
ing cars (green color car) on his right
at the round about, and
- failure to turn on his right hand
signal light to indicate his intent to
turn right at the round about.